Culture-wise you have one ring to propose and the other one to take her as wife. So, the names wedding rings and engagement rings came into picture. The engagement rings are a token of promise that we’re together forever until death parts us.
EraGem’s collection of rings is gorgeous! You can find wedding bands for both men and women.Sometimes after the wedding, many cultures and traditions required women to only wear their engagement ring during the engagement only but not after the wedding so they end up keeping the engagement ringstored in a the jewelry box tucked away and only worn on special occasions like anniversaries or important events.
In many parts of the world women use the engagement ring as wedding ring. Here is How:
1. Do not buy wedding ring at all
Just go to a jeweler and get your engagement ring re-polished or customized according to your choice.If the wedding is months away you should be able to get it back way before your big day. If you’re confused about what jewelry to wear on your wedding, then check out these tips.
2. Stack both your wedding and engagement ring
Meet with a wedding ring designer with your idea to of getting both rings stacked together, It might be a little odd at first but it is worth trying especially that fashion and emotions can very much influence your decisions. With the correct planning and depending on how good your designer is, it can look very stylish. Read online reviews about your jewelry designer before deciding to hiring them. This can help.
3. Make locket of engagement ring
The other interesting way of carrying the engagement ring around while wearing your wedding ring is to use it in the form of pendant in chain. This way the engagement ring remains close to heart just like the moment when you said YES.
So, try these ways to have a lot of style in your look and also to give engagement ring all the exclusive treatment that it deserves.
Your wedding or engagement ring should match your personality and his. Many sets can be purchased together that fits or complete one another whether it’s made of the same metal or the same precious stones which makes both rings together more exciting and meaningful when you’re both together.
In some cultures, the couple engrave each other names or initials on the inside of the ring. That’s also very meaningful and special.